Thursday, October 18, 2012

Texas School Punishes Boy for Opposing Homosexuality

     A 9th grade student, Dakota Ary, in Fort Worth, Texas, was suspended for a total of two days after openly stating he felt homosexuality was wrong during his German Class. His mother fought back saying he was a model student and this comment should not leave any infractions on his otherwise perfect record. She argued that he was only stating his beliefs as a Christian and should not be penalized and more importantly, that he has the right to speak freely. After various phone calls and the involvement of Pope and an attorney, his punishments were lifted and he was no longer held responsible for his actions.
     I believe they made a fair point about freedom of speech, but I believe that does not give anyone permission to discriminate against a certain group of people. His comment could have seriously insulted anyone of the students, proving his disregard for anyones feelings. I believe a two day suspension may have been a little too harsh, but letting him off with no punishment is is almost a reward for his ignorance.


1 comment:

  1. This Forth Worth, Texas high school teenager is a well-rounded honors student with an excellent school record. His private comment to his friend had no malicious intent. He simply stated his Christian belief about homosexuality. His comment was not directed toward anyone. Unfortunately, his teacher overhead his comment and overreacted. I think it is ludicrous that this family had to hire a first amendment attorney to convince the school board to re-evaluate the situation. Couldn’t this student and the administrators have had a civil discussion to resolve the matter without legal representation? Shouldn’t we be allowed to express our beliefs in the school setting? School is supposed to be a safe haven for all, but this student was penalized for expressing his religious thoughts. Something is very wrong here.
